License Keys

Upon purchase, an 'activation key' is provided by email.

If you purchased a Site Wide/Unlimited/OEM license you should use your 'activation key' as described below to obtain an unlimited deployment key. Otherwise, your license to use SearchUnit is restricted to x developers/servers/web-sites where x depends on the size of the license purchased.

About Deployment Keys

In order to use SearchUnit outside of a development environment you need to create a deployment license key(s) for the web-site server (domain) name and the IP address(es) of the servers it will run on. A development environment is defined as viewing the web-site on the same machine as the web server, or running the site under 'localhost' (or

If you are using a multi-server development environment (eg. dev-server -> test-server -> production-server) please see the 'Advanced' section of the Help documentation for license key handling strategy.

You can create production and pre-production (QA, test, dev) deployment license keys on our web-site at - to access this system you will need the 'activation key' emailed to you when you purchased the product.

Deployment keys are generated for domain name/server ip combinations, each deployment key corresponds to one domain name and at least one server IP.

We recommend that you generate keys only after the domain name and server IP are known for definite, as a key can only be automatically generated once.

Deployment Key Usage

Once you have generated deployment keys at you should set it in the application config. If the deployment keys are not correct then attempts to use the controls on the server will result in alert messages.

After generating a deployment key ensure it is set in web.config (.NET 2 to 4) or appsettings.json (.NET 5+)

Eg. web.config (.NET 2 to 4);

        <add key="Keyoti-SearchEngine-LicenseKey" value="your key here"/>

Eg. appSettings.json (.NET 5+);

"Keyoti-SearchEngine-LicenseKey": "your key here"

If you have more than one domain/servername (and therefore deployment key) for the app. you can easily specify up to 4 additional keys by adding a key called;